House work

So today I was reading a blog , and she posted a post about naming your house. Which I thought that was interesting. In our last home we actually called it The White House. Pretty sure Megan named it that. It had huge front windows and of course it was White. The name suited and it really stuck. It doesn't look like much but it was such a nice house. Cold in the winters but it was a nice home for the kids and our little puppy at the time. I think we lived here back in 2014, I could be wrong. In our current home we have decided to fix it up, and sell. We are 4 years into this house and we quickly realized soon after buying that it was too big for us. Sure our family was growing at the time but it's still too big for us. You will probably need a maid, which we don't have. Recently,we bought some property out in the country on a 1.5 piece of land. The area is pretty special to me, many of my family members lived near the property, not to m...