
Showing posts from December, 2011

2011 Review

Hello bloggers! I hope all of ya'll are having a great Friday so far. Me, I am having a great Friday with this bad boy. I am sick with a cold that has been bothering me for 5 days..yep 5 days. I usually have the cold about 9 times a would think I would be used to it by now,but no still gross. With all the sneezing and the Kleenex and all the good stuff that comes with a cold.(yuck) But I am grateful that it is me and not my little one, I hate when she is sick. -So anyways- Ive been seeing lots and lots of blog doing a review on their 2011:) I love doing these:) I can honestly say that I spent most of this year alone with Megan, Its pretty hard being alone with a toddler while the hubs was out in another country, in a war zone I might add. Scariest thing in the world, I don't wish that feeling upon my worst enemy. January -Started a new semester at school -Planning Megan Toy Story party -Skyped with Daddy for the first time -Post office sent care package...

Lets be positive


Our Christmas

Im finally doing a Show me Christmas link up with Becky at From Mrs. to Mama, I dont know why I didnt take many pictures this year but oh well I think it's fine:) On Christmas eve It was so cold we just stayed indoors and cooked Tamales with my dad. I had woken up super early to cook with my dad. Random:  On Christmas eve I had been craving an Ice cream all  day long:) My awesome husband went out into the cold just to bring me an icecream.Woohhooo We cooked alllll daaaayy llllooonnngggg it was so tiring,we didnt finish till about 10:00 at night and we had started at 7 am! We made a Mexican tradition food...Tamales!!!  After we were done we played the card game screw your little sister won again..Im pretty sure she has rigged the game somehow. She always wins that game! Megan also said goodbye her little Elf Marshall, it was the cutest. She still asks for him, I think she really loved him. Jaime and I didnt sleep till 1 in the morning...

Merry Christmas Everyone

I hope every single one of y'all is having a great Christmas day:) It's a Harry Potter day for me because Santa (Jaime) got me the complete set of Harry Potter. I'm such a nerd hehehe:) Oh and I hope this post isn't too weird, I'm using the blogger app on my iPod Merry Christmas!!!!

Christmas Quiz

I saw this Christmas survery on Rebekah's blog and had to answer these question about Christmas. 1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate,although I cannot drink a whole cup of hot Chocolate (gasp) I know right?! I just cant it's hard for me to drink milk. Dont ya'll get full with milk? I do. But I would drink hot chocolate any day over eggnog Ewww. 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Well Our SANTA brings too many gifts under the tree so he want to wrap them and have name tags on them so the kids wont mistaken a gift for someone elses, plus I think unwrapping presents is half the fun right? 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? I would perfer white lights but I think kids just love different colored lights. 4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope,but Ive always wanted to. 5. When do you put decorations up?   We usually do our decorating the day after Thanksgiving due to the present bought on Black Friday. 6. What is...

This isnt the nicest blog post

Nor the if your looking for something jolly and giddily this post isn't it. If you read my blog regularly you would know I don't usually post up sad or mean things on here because I just don't like to be that way....but right now, I just don't care. So here it is, my somewhat rant and whining to the world. My husband is a United States Marine,he is an amazing man, he is the kind of person who will do the right thing even if everyone one else does the wrong thing. He will do what he thinks is right and you could count on him for anything &&& he fights for his country and he has been deployed Not once but twice!! So why in the hell do they (cant tell you who because I may just get into trouble) will not hire my husband!!!! WTF! you would be so lucky to have my husband. Your "department/company" have bad guys in it. Yet you wont get the guy who will always do the right thing and is a hard worker. Nice. Freaking nice! They don'...

Miscellany Monday (6 days before Christmas

Miscellany Monday Can you believe its 6 days before Christmas! I am loving all the Christmas presents Ive gotten everyone, this has to be one of my favorite Christmass' so far. Shopping Since it's Christmas of course there are going to be some crazy shoppers and I thankfully have yet to meet them (I hope I never do) but my sister,my mom, and I did some last minute shopping & we found some pretty good sales. At Bath and Body works there was a sale a Buy 3 get 3 free The sweet pea smells amazing I thought this little saying was so cute! We also went to the Bass Pro Shop,I still need one more gifts for Jaime but he's a little picky so I have to be absolutely certain he will like it. I didnt buy anything from there,instead we ate lunch at the restraunt inside the store. Amazing! because we sat close to the bowling alley. Yes I was super excited to be in the Bass Pro Shop, in the bowling alley, at the bar inside:) It was awesome! (My sister really wanted to h...

3rd Birthday Party

My little baby girl is turning 3 in two month! Holy cow right?! Seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. It makes me sad and happy that she is growing up so fast.   I mean look at her when she was a baby.. She is still my little ball of Sunshine and even though she can outsmart me now Im glad I have such a smart kid...Did you know she can resite The pledge of Alligence. My mouth dropped when she was telling it to me. I'm always blown away by her. I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again. I have to admit I was so afraid to take her out in public. I dont know, I just always had this fear that she would have break down and I would be alone and since most of the time it was just me and her,I would not have anyones help. When and If I have another child, I will take that child everywhere. Nothing will stop me...the worst she/he can do is cry. As opposed to a toddler where he/she will lay of the floor stomping everywhere now that I ...