Friday Letters

Dear Crazy weather,
I have been loving you lately, usually its really gross in the morning and my hair becomes very frizzy but these past couple of morning have been heaven. Thanks:)

Dear Marine Corps,
Please let us go? Please? Why do I feel like you don't want to let us go? Just leave the hubs alone.

Dear School district,
I am so ready to get my observations started! Cannot wait to learn new things. Im excited=) oh and another thing I need to point out is why in gods name do I have to get a TB test every year. Its a bother.

Dear Dan from Big Brother,
I dislike you, and the game you are playing. I would give the half a million dollars to anyone but you. & you've been swearing on your wife like it's no big deal. I wonder what she think about that.

Dear Husband,
I love the face you make everytime I mention going shopping. I wish I could take a picture of your face. But Calm down its nothing like the face I will be making when I purchase the truck of your dreams. So calm down:)

P.s I cant wait to grow old with you:)

 Dear school work,
Can you please do yourself? & I keep the letter grade:)

Dear husband....again,
Sorry Im pushing you on our "Sore" subject. I just cannot wait to have that dream come true.



I don't think the military ever makes anything easy! Hopefully it'll all work out how you are wanting. And if you figure out how to not take classes but still get credit for them, PLEASE pass that along. I'm dreading next semester...stopping by from Friday's Letters!!!
Simplyheather said…
Is crazy weather just happening all over lately? I swear Florida has taken it's bipolar-ness to another level lately lol. I read an artical saying that it's supposed to be the coldest winter this year. All over. How exciting haha! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Unknown said…
haha i love the husband one

Following you now! Happy Friday!! Stop by and say hello! :)

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