Little Late on the Halloween post(2012)

Well well lets see what we are up to again. I  forgot to write a post up about our Halloween. I know its pretty late but its here:)

 It was on a Wednesday, and on those days I have to do my observation hours at school. So Jaime took Megan to daycare where they were going to have a harvest party and I was going to go to school to spend some time there. At the school some students dresses up in their Halloween outfits and they also had a Costume Parade around the school. After I left the school I went to the store to buy some goodies for Megan to give to her in her basket.

This year was spent with just Me and Megan, Jaime had to work on Halloween. So the both of us spent the night with my family. We spent some time with my mom trying to open her door because she accidentally locked the door to the bathroom and was unable to get inside due to not having a key.

We left to see Jaime and brought him some food but could not stay long because they were also giving out candy at the firehouse. We left with my family to go trick or treating. Megan was pretty scared at first to go trick or treating. Who can blame her? I can be just as scared as her on Halloween. After she didnt want to go to the first house, I pulled her aside and told her "Megan, I know some of these people are scary but momma is gonng be right next to you. If you dont say Trick or Treat to the people, you wont get any candy. I will not leave your side baby ok, it will be ok?" She replied with an "ok, mommy". After that she was fine. She was going up to the houses saying "trick or treat". It was so so cute. It was beyond cute the way she was saying trick or treat. I wish I captured more photos of her trick or treating.

As you can see in the photos we were dressed up as the book of Red Riding hood. She and I are huge fans of Once upon a time. She really likes Red, so we choose to dress up as the characters from the fairytale:) along with my little brother he was the wolf.

I also made her this basket treat that went along with her costume.


Holly said…
aww cute pictures! love your costumes :)

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