Getting to know you.
hmmm I wanna say a football player. A huge turn off though is that muscle that is right on back of the neck line..GGRROOOOSSS!
I know for sure I am both. Sometimes I can me more than on top of things but somedays it's like eh I'll just do it next week.
Oh hands down regular soda I think I perfer sprite over anything, Since Ive had Megan, Dr. Peper,Pepsi,Coca Cola hurt my stomach I guess because of all the acid & caffeine.Im not 100% sure though
Beanies I love them I am going to get a few of them this year of me and megan.
ok this one is tough, I love Mcdonalds, but Jack in the Box has the most crunchiest curly fries!! Oh god they are so good. GEEZ i could go for some right now.
Honestly I dont think I have one. But I do love my husband in Cammies!!!
Nope never thank god my teeth were very nicely shaped, Now having cavities is another storry.
I married one that has both and it is Awesome! But if I had to choose the one or the other I would say kind. A guy could be freaking sexy but if he has a disgusting attitude then that sexiness quickly disappears.