Weekend Recap!

During spring break:

On Tuesday:
this photo book came in the mail. I loved it! & so did Megan I think she likes seeing herself in pictures.

I finished the vow in a day, It was ok. Im sure the movie is different. It was however very inspiring with having faith in god.

 On Thursday:
I took Megan to daycare but ended up not leaving her after because all they were going to do was play all day long and I really like for her to get some learning in there but if they were not gonna have lessons then I didnt see the point in leaving her. So she spent Thursday & Friday with Momma:)

Bought this print for our bathroom. I love it!

Yeah she kicked my butt at Peter Pipers Pizza!

She really wanted to brush my hair

 I said I would enjoy my pretty much last day of Spring Break so we hung out at home and colored and did other little things.
 I love Sixlets!

Ya may have seen this Idea on Pinterest.. here is the Link

 We did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby and then to Pet smart. I was going to buy some collars for our little puppies but i realized they are not going to be ours and in a few weeks will be adopted by people. We also did some crafting. I also had a good chat with my dad sitting outside on the porch, I like those times:)
 We have also discovered that Megan eats ketchup whole gross right? Yuck!

I decided to start collecting "G's" Idk thought It would be pretty neat.

Arent these pretty?! Its crazy, I had never been to the wedding Dept. in hobby lobby.

Coloring Eggs

My mom and I are going to make one of these. Soon! I hope.

 We played outside and blew some bubbles while Jaime had drill. That's why you don't see him in a lot of pictures. He was working all weekend long.

Love that face!

She is still getting the hang of riding her bike but we are almost there I can feel it.

 Have a good Tuesday Everyone!
 I gotta help my darling daughter with an  internet game of Dora the Explorer.

Ill be back tomorrow for WILW!


Holly said…
ok first off babygirls smile is to die. She is sooo cute!
second: I am sooo jealous, we dont have hobby lobby here and I would SOOO go and buy those if we did. wahhh.
Courtney B said…
Ooooh I want to read the book and see what difference there are in the movie!
I misss Hobby Lobby! We just moved to a small town that has NOTHING!
You and your little girl are seriously the CUTEST! So happy I found your blog :)
Mae & Sam said…
that was a very hectic week. love your moments together!

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