9/11-We will Never Forget

I  never talk about September 11 mostly because I get sad just thinking about it and how many families lost loved ones, it tore my heart when I got home and the news just kept recording the twin towers falling over and over again. I was just so in shock that people were in there and they were going to get hurt, it was the worst day for America. Thankfully that day we united at one. A couple of months later around March,  It was a couple of days after my B-day I was reading the paper in the backyard of my grandpas house and the headline said "the first troops to ship off to Iraq". That was an awful day too. I remember picturing  all the men and woman leaving.Never once did I think that years later I would have someone that I dearly love, ship off to Iraq but I do. My prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones, I would also like to thank the people who kept searching for days looking for people buried in the rubble. && thanks to all the men and woman who gave the unlitmate sacrifice to give us freedom && the ones who are still fighting for us.Thank you.

                                                                God bless America


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