Linking up with Jamie for WILW & Linking up with The Vintage Apple I am Loving that my 2nd graders were amazing yesterday and I really cannot wait to be an official teacher! I am Loving that my husband and I had the same idea for Valentines day. He made this "why I love you" while he was on drill this past weekend:) He, of course, made me cry..he knows Im not that kind of girl that cares for bears and balloons as long as anything he gives me is sentimental and from his heart. He knows me well. I am Loving that he also told me that my last present was on the computer screen, at first I thought I didnt hear him right, and then I open the laptop screen and there is the newest Ipod!!! So I will be getting the newest Ipod today!!..I really need one,Mines old. I am also loving these pinterest finds & I am Loving this Man and this cute little 3 year old.
This weekend was just about Megan and her 3rd birthday party. I know what your thinking..Didnt ya'll just have a party for her... We did, you can see those pictures here This time my husband was able make burgers, her aunt was here,her cousins got to spend some time with her as well. On Friday my mom took Megan out to Dinner while Jaime and I searched for her birthday present and accidently had a little date:) Love those!! Saturday we woke up bright and early for the birthday party. They gave us a princess box for her cake. She loved the decorations! HER Tinkerbell CAKE! Hard at work cooking...Im so proud of him a year ago he wasnt the greatest cook and those burger he cooked for the party were actually pretty good excluding the burned buns of couse hehe:) Us:) New TOMS! Baby Princess Family!!! Crossing my Finger she blew out her own candles...and she didnt. With her Auntie Dora...
I love valentines day,its the one day where you can be as cheesy as you want to be about LOVE! & I think I will be really really cheesy this Valentine's Day! Link up with Becky @ From Mrs. to Mama to tell us your Love story. *If you start to follow me please let me know so I may follow you back. 1. How long have you and your significant other been together? We have been together for 4 years going on 5 years in March Our first Valentines..he was on deployment at the time 2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story? } We met on a blind date through some of our Mutual friends...the friend was a Marine and his girlfriend was in my 1st class. So the girl, we will called her "G", asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and this Marine that wanted to go on a date. I was like "Ok why not, a girl has got to eat". So It was on Friday and I had been planning on taking my car just in case the guy was a "pshyco" I could leave whenev...