A wee bit of me Wednesday

{one} have you ever won a trophy? if yes, for what?
I have, I had this goal when I was in Elementary to read the most book in my class and  at the end of the year I got my trophy that I worked so hard for:)

{two} what was your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject is without a doubt American History, it is so interesting how this country came to be:)
{three} what time do you get up in the morning?
Mondays,Wednesday and Fridays I wake up at 6:30 in the morning, and all other day I wake up when Megan is ready to get up.

{four} if you could open your own business, what would it be?
I honesly always wanted to open up a cupcake/cake business, that would be one of my many dreams,
I dont think I will ever do it b/c my teaching is my ultimate dream but making cupcakes and cakes is my "home thing".

{five} if you could spend the evening with one rock star/band, who would it be?
uhhh I honestly dont like any rockstars, so I think I would go with anthrax and get some questions from my husband and I would get him some pictures and autographs for him.lol

{six} what sitcom character reminds you of you?
I dont think I have one but she did have a reality T.V show. Jessica Simpson is who I think I get reminded of myself. I usually say things that dont even make sense, I say jokes that people just dont understand or just dont even get a laugh. Just watch Newlywed Im almost exactly like her except for the huge boobs and of course Im not  a singer lol.

{seven} what are the 3 most important things to you?
Family,education,rememberin all the memories I have of Megan.

{eight} chips or popcorn?
I absolutely love popcorn but If I have chips around and I dont have popcorn I'll settle for Chips.

{nine} have you ever ordered anything from an infomercial?
No, but I would love to get those buttons that pin on your pants just incase you either loose weight or gain, perfect for me.lol

{ten} what is one thing that you are grateful for today?
School,Im busting my butt for school and Im very thankful It was not too late for me.


Loved reading this! U.S. History is so interesting to me too. (Actually, most history!) And I was also a little bookworm as a kid. :)

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