Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{18th Birthdays}In my previous post I said it was my sisters b-day, what I didnt tell you was that it was also my cousins 18th b-day too. The were both born the same day! He live in austin so we dont see him much but I made him a cake and it think it came out pretty good what you think?, I wanted to incorportate Halloween since it's October:)

{Boo Boos} Megan is being so clumsy now a days it's so crazy. I wish I could put a helmet on her. She likes to climb on things. I found her sitting on her diapers it looked so cute.

{The Event} Have ya'll watched this  show,it is so interesting! Its a little bit of drama and syfy:) Its so good ya'll have to watch it!

{Back to December} So I have read and have been hearing that 'back to debember ' from Taylor swift is an apology to Taylor Lautner. I do think that it is for him. Have ya'll heard the lyrics? So sweet I can actually see him and her talking and his sweet smile:) I wish they were still together:)

{History Paper} I have a 4 page paper due the day before Thanksgiving and Im not looking forward for it. I love writing but Im confused on what she wants, I have only done like 1/4 of the paper but I dont understand what she wants, I still need to talk to my teacher about it but we will see.

{Hubbs} I miss my husband so much,but the good news is he is coming home soon:)


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