Top 2 Tuesday


Top 2 Favorite Old Pictures

These two photos are from my senior year. These girls were the ones I spent my whole time with:) we are missing two more girls but this was the "crew" lol:)


This is my belly 20 months ago! I was so huge! My maternity pants were my best friends!
This pic was actually the day the doctor sent me to get induced b/c of the schedule my husband was in with the marine corps. I wanted for Jaime to be there for the birth so we got induced:) When the second time comes around Im gonna wait for the baby to tell me when he/she wants to come out:)

 I love this pictures of my daughter and my husband. She is such a cutie!
She gets a kick out of putting her foot in front of our faces does it still now, to this day.

Head on over to The undomestic momma and link up your top 2 old pictures:)


Aw I love your pictures :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Kit said…
You have a cutie on your must be so proud!

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