Wee bit of me Wednesday(Halloween edition)

{one} have you ever seen a ghost?
Yes, I have seen one in my cousins house, that night haunts me forever!

{two} when was the last time you dressed up for halloween?
hmm..I wanna say that I dressed up last when I was in Elementary, I wish I could dress up this halloween but I never find the costume I want in my size. 
Never can find this one!

{three} what’s your favorite candy?
I love Candy Corn!!

{four} did you have a favorite costume growing up?
I was always a witch

{five} did you carve pumpkins this year?
Not yet, Mr. G comes home soon, and I wanted to do it with him.

{six} what’s your favorite scary movie?
I wanna say Scream

{seven} haunted houses or corn mazes?
I would rather go to a corn maz, huanted houses scare me!

{eight} are you superstitious?
Very little

{nine} have you ever owned a black cat?
Well Im allergic to cats besides I hate cats!

{ten} what are you plans for this coming halloween?
I think we are going trick or treating:) we are going to a corn maze also:)


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