Misc. Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{Pictures} I feel bad because I did not take alot of pictures this weekend except from my camera phone. Ooops! It's so unlike me to not take any pictures.

{Shopping}  Saturday we woke up early,ate some breakfast, and headed out shopping. I think I have everyone except for Jaime's brothers and our sister in law, and his dad, and my little brother. Other than that we are done! So the rest of the shopping we are probably doing it on Thursday.

{Movies} I cannot wait for my husband to come home so I can rent some movies and be in pj's all day long with my love.

{Military} Im debating if I should go to the Family training day. They are just going to talk about how to cope with deployment some question we might have and what not. I dont want to sound cocky but I think I know alot of ways to communicate with my husband overseas and I do know about Opsec and I know alot of things because of our first deployment. I should say I know family stuff not military stuff.lol and the training is going to last about 8 hours! Not sure if I want to spend my last free saturday like that. We will see, Im still not 100% sure I will go.

{Family} I am really hoping we get to see everyone on christmas or christmas eve because we have to see my grandma & Mr. G's family, and Mr. G's dad. So im not sure how that is going to play out, Since his family opens gift on Christmas eve, and we have mass to go to.
Im really excited for Christmas!!!

Dont forget to link up:)


Kim said…
Really cute pictures. A pyjama day is the greatest thing I agree. Visiting from Miscellany and joined to follow you.
Veronika said…
your little girl is adorable!

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