The very generous Veteran

 So today I was checking the mail because I have been waiting for something that Mr. G needs.

When I checked the Mail there was a letter addressed to me, I thought it was a letter from Jaime and then I saw it said, the address of the reserve center so I was like, oh ok they sent a chritsmas card how nice.

To my surprise
I opened it and there was a $50 bill,
and  very sweet message.

The message said:
A small gift from a grateful American Veteran just to
say "Thank you" for the sacrifice your family is
making this Christmas season for the good of our country.
May God bless your family and all other military families this joyous
Christmas Season and throughout the coming years.
Again, I thank your husband for serving our country and I pray for his safe return.
From the Heart of an old Veteran.

When I was done reading it I felt so much appreciation, I was very thankful and touched, I wish I could tell him thank you properly.

On another note, The reserve center that Jaime meets at invited us to a small-ish party.
It's more for the kids, they are just gonna give presents for the kids and they are going to be taking pictures with Santa so Im very excited for that. Mr. G will be here so I wont be alone when I go. so Yay!! and My little family will maybe eat in town before returning home. Expect a thousand picture from the next two weeks! Im so excited to see my husband!


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