Fill in the blank Friday

Its been awhile since Ive done a fill in the blank Friday:) But Im excited to do it this Friday:)
Link up here.

1.My favorite color is... Navy Blue.For some reason that one has been following me. Your can see me wearing Navy blue all the time. Sad but true.

These are currently my favorite shoes..they even go with dresses. I love them...Im even considering buying another pair:) dont tell my husband.hahaha

2. My travel destination of choice anywhere relaxing,hmm maybe on a beach house with the beach right in the backyard ahhh I can see it now.

3. My favorite food is right now Hot fries, does that count? I have to stop eating them though I know they are bad for me.

4. My happy place is watching my little girl doing something new and just staring at her. I just enjoy watching her twirl and just being carefree,that is my happy place. To just see her with not a care in the world but just being a child:)

5. My favorite saying is "everything happens for a reason". I would tell you a story about why I'm a firm believer in that but it is a very very long story and It brings up the past that I dont like to talk about but...really, things do happen for a reason:) My life is living proof of it.

6. My dirty little secret is that I absolutely find doing my hair a chore..I know *gasp* very unwomanly of me..but if you saw how thick my hair was you would be over it soon. but I find a way to push myself to straighten my hair because the husband likes it like that:)
Via Google

7. Something friends might say about me is that I am a confident person in my education and Im so focused on school, one of my friends told me I inspire her to further her education...that is something I will cherish forever:)


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