Too much shopping

This past weekend we dropped off my sister back at Corpus for school.
All of my family went to drop her off. 
Her dorm is small but cute.
She fixed it so nice already.
Hopefully she does not mind I put this picture up.
In case your wondering, that painting was hand drawn by one of her friends, it's breathtaking.
We ate breakfast at a place called Andy's Kitchen and me and Jaime's stomachs apparently did not like the food all that much.

 My younger sister and Jaime

Our mom bought her some groceries as well to start her off and we also stopped at a Thrift store because her dorm did not come with a chair,weird.

They found a chair but I dont exactly know why they didnt buy it. I guess they can tell me later why they didnt.
I however found some pretty nice stuff.

I found some books that I thought were so cute. One of them was about the months of the year and the other was "If you give a pig a party".

 I found some dresses for Megan,there are three but the photo of the other keeps coming out upside down.
  & I also found this little guy. Heheh thought it was so cute.

That was pretty much our weekend,we were pretty tired from the traveling. Today though I finished the last errands I needed for school. All my classes are paid at tstc and Im just now waiting on the University to pay for my other classes. I will be taking a total of 6 classes this semester one which is a lab which requires me to go into the schools to observe:)Yay! Im really proud of myself that this will be my last year in school! well I think it will be Ive been thinking about getting a masters in US history...maybe one day.

I also did some back to school shopping for Megan. I only need a pair of shoes for her and she is ready to go.

& of course I stopped by at Target to pick up some clothes for Megan. As I was walking towards the cashiers to pay I heard the melody of the Hunger games. It was like it was calling out to me:)

Happy Monday!


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