This Weekend I....


This weekend was kind of uneventful and was a pretty low key. Jaime had to work a couple of those days, so Megan and I decided to spend the weekend at my mom and dads house. I went to class Saturday morning and found out I got a 90 on my Mid-term!! Woohoo! I worked really hard for that grade. I studies for 5 days straight and tested myself everyday to see what else I missed. So it was a really good morning so far. Afterwards I went to my moms because Megan had spent the night over.

 We decided to go to the movies to watch Brave, Or as Megan calls it, "Red". She calls it "Red" because of her Red hair.I love that movie it's the cutest. We had seen it before but it was nice to see it again. Megan fell asleep the last 15 minutes of it. Megan LOVES the movie Hotel Transylvania and when we saw the cardboard characters at the movies Megan wanted to take a pictures with them.

Megan has been asking for some new dolls almost every weekend. She's constantly telling Jaime and I that if Santa Clause will be bringing more toys and all I can think about is the stack of toys she already has at home. My goodness how much more toys do you wants girly:) So I thought about having her work for her dolls. I told her if she wanted stuff she is going to have to work for it. So we went outside and started to wash my car. I think she had some fun in the mix as well.

On Sunday Jaime decided he wanted to stay in at home. I wanted to leave out of the house by we decided to stay in after all. Jaime made some delicious fish with tartar sauce.It was actually really good. I give him lots of Kudos:) We also had some craft fun with Megan. We bought her a pumpkin last Friday and we said we would decorate it. Megan chose everything. She chose the buttons, the hair, the painting color. She was into it the first 30 minutes and then she was over it at the end. She named the pumpkin "Karen".
Monday morning came too soon. I felt like I didn't get enough sleep even though I feel asleep like about 10:00. Megan was also asleep at that time. This morning when I walked into my classroom the kids were looking sleepy. I was also having the Monday Blues like everyone else. My teacher had me working on some things and let me just say that it was so tiring. I had to tear out 23 chapters of a math book for 15 students. My hands were hurting from the tearing and the stapling of every chapter.
What did ya'll do this weekend?


Sar said…
That pumpkin is precious! And I think it's never too early to teach your child about working for money! Well-played.

Happy Monday, Diana! Thanks for linking up!
Katie said…
Oh my gosh! That pumpkin is so freaking cute!!
Syndal said…
good for you girl-you rocked that midterm!! :)

Also-looove that pumpkin-very Coraline-esque :)
Hilary said…
Congrats on the 90! :-)

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