Before I head to class

I just wanted to have this random post because its been a couple of days since I posted. We have been planning for Megan's birthday party which is now only 2-ish weeks away and really it's going to be here in a blink of an eye. Ahh! Im really freaking out about it too. I have some unfinished things to do. We will get things going this weekend and next week so lets hope we get everythign done.

I dont know if I mentioned on here about getting a kindle but we did. I think its been about 2-3 weeks that we've had it. I said that I would never get one but one day I was on amazon and saw that you could get some free books on the kindle. So I told myself that I would use it for free books. I cant say the same for Megan and Jaime they use it for games and other things. I told myself the really good books I would actually buy. I'm still not used to reading on a screen but Im hoping I will get used to it, Ive only read two on the kindle.

Thanks to some college books I sold to Amazon, I got a gift card. So I decided to buy some books. I got these books that I'm hoping are really good as everybody says they are. I got some others for my kindle but were only 99 cents. Since they didn't cost me anything I figured I could buy some. I only bough two that I thought were really good.

 This past weekend we went fishing. Oh my word did it feel so good I think I closed my eyes and just listened to the water and birds chirping about 5 times. I had a really hard week and it was so nice to see all my troubles just float away. I mentioned that I had a big test and Im really scared about what I got. Most of the people I have spoken to have told me they past which makes me nervous. I will find out my score in about an hour and Im so nervous. The test was too easy for me to have passed it, I think.

Oh these two. They are the most craziest people ever! They are inseperable but holy cow can they pick on each other.  Its sad to say too that most of the time my husband starts it. He sticks the tongue at her and she does it back to him. Then Im in the middle getting after both of them but I love them, they are my two closest best friends:)


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