Letters and a sponaneous date

Lets get back into the blogging buisness shall we, which comes with link ups:)
One of my favorite Link ups is Friday letters, and sometimes it may feel like a chore but I still enjoy it when I actually get my butt to sit in front of the computer.

Dear Homeland, I have been watching you for two weeks, and I am completely obsessed with you.How could I have not been watching you all along? Your a little twisted but still an awesome show.
 Dear Husband, thanks for the awesome date we had yesterday morning. It almost felt like we were just a couple of kids adults just hanging around with not a care in the world.
Dear Megan, you bright up my day, baby girl. Seeing you with your dad melts my heart more than you know. Seeing you crawling all over him and laughing makes my heart so happy. I started to cry because I know you will never be this little again. Sometimes I wish we could live in a place where time would go slower.
Dear Mom and Dad, I'm going to do anything and everthing to make sure you see me with my cap and gown.Promise
Dear ____ School, I really dislike that you cant open up another class for the people who need the class desperately. Uhhh..yeah because of your stubbornness I may not be able to walk and graduate in May..and for what? Just because of one stink-in class. Wonderful!
Dear Vacation, It was so much fun being able to do NOTHING. A slight boring but still very nice little vacation where I was not in constant fear of forgetting an assignment or just having to study at all.

Link up right here and write some letters.

So yesterday Jaime and I stumbled upon a day date. It was not meant to be a date day, it just sort of ended up like that. First we dropped off Megan at daycare so that she could have some kid interaction. We then visited my school to fix a problem I have with a class, which didn't get resolved. We then decided to get some school supplies because I start school in three days and in my other school I start on the 14th, yep I go to two school. As crazy as it sounds it's quite easy..sort of:) We were so hungry so we stopped at a restraunt and Jaime really liked the place, he said it was the new "it" place...yeah it's not, Ive had better.
We also went to an antique shop that was closing down we found some good finds, and hope to make them all pretty.
We did a little more shopping at some bargain places and then we ended up at the movies. We watched Taken 2. I have to say, it wasn't as good as the first. The first one was action packed, the second one was more of a suspenseful movie. It was a great day spending it with Jaime.& for the rest of the night we snuggled up in bed with our little girl. Its way too cold to be out there with a little preschooler.


Beth said…
Found you on Friday's Letters and I love your leading photo!! So pretty! I miss "vacations" from school... but not the drama of trying to get into classes. Good luck!

Beth @ Whiskey Tango Hello

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