The 400th post

This past week was one of the worst weeks so far. I had two midterms and some of other classwork due, so I was so busy that I had to remember to breathe(I'm exaggerating) but none the less I was so dead tired from school work. With lots of school work, comes zero time for blogging so here is to catching up on the events of our life.

1. Last week on Monday, Megan and Jaime went to Galveston. The day before though Megan had fever due to some ants that had bit her the day before and on Sunday she was just thrown on the couch NOT talking to me. My kid can talk up a storm so yep, I knew she was sick. It was pretty sad seeing her like this. The next day though, which was Monday, she was feeling a lot better and went with her dad to pick up her grandma. I was not totally o.k with her leaving because she had just gotten over her fever but Jaime insisted.

2. Megan was suppose to start Pre-k this fall but because of my school situation It just wasn't going to work. The plan is to get a job at a school and to enroll Megan in the school that I get a job in. That way she can come to my room after school and if there is early release she can stay in my room or Jaime can pick her up in my room. I would just feel so much better if she was in my school, where she knows her mom is at. In the meantime though I feel it's my job to get her up to speed on the things she needs to learn when she enters Kindergarten. I still need a few more things for her but for now this is what I have came up with to get her started for the summer.  I made a flannel board, traceable letters, and pictures that correspond with pictures.

3. State testing is in full mode this summer. I have signed up for a few tests already and I am pretty nervous about it too. I have been doing a pretty good amount of studying and I know that I'm still not ready but these are just practice test to prepare me for the real test. I am scared of these tests. Im mostly struggling with the legal stuff to the profession.

4. Megan's bed is not well suited for her anymore, so we have been looking for a twin bed. Something that is going to last her till she graduates high school. We have not had much luck with finding the specific one we are looking for but we are still on the hunt for it. I want a twin bed with some drawers on the bottom and Jaime wants a bunk bed. Why would she need a bunk bed is beyond me.

5. Megan is getting so much better with her writing and Im just glad to be a part of it. She still needs some work but she is on the road to awesome writing:)

Taking Megan to see Epic. I didn't have much planned today but I hate that she has been a little bored because momma is stuck doing work and writing papers all day long. Hopefully she likes it and we can come home and play on her play set.


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