4 Week Bump

I really didn't want to do these only because I don't think I can keep up with them every week, but I don't have a lot of pictures "Megan belly" so I really want to capture the growth for this little one.So it's possible they won't always be formal pictures like this one.

How far along: 4 Weeks 

Lets get the Party started!

 Size of baby: Baby is the size of a poppy seed. 
Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs-although they look more like paddles.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1

Maternity Clothes: No maternity clothes, yet. Everything fits really well still. 

Gender: Not sure yet 

Movement: None

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope nothing. I have not had morning sickness at all, and I could not be more happy about it.

Sleep: Cannot sleep on my belly, It hurts if I do. Sleeping on my back and on my side only. I need a pillow when I sleep on my side.  

What I miss: Nothing, everything is pretty much the same.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Right now I'm mostly happy.

Cravings: Water & Cheese burger. I've tried drinking soda but baby clearly doesn't like it. Before baby I could drink a soda in one sitting and now I  can only have two sips and be done with it. 

Looking forward to: Seeing baby for the first time on October 1st. It is our first ultrasound and saying I'm excited it an understatement.

Best Moment This Week: Telling the FB and blog world about baby Gonzalez. Family and friends were thrilled for us.

Daddy is being extremely helpful with everything and Megan is being extra careful with little baby belly.


Hilary said…
I'm at the uncomfortable on my stomach stage, too. I LOVE my stomach sleep, though, so I've been bringing my knees up to my side a bit (sounds weird) to take the pressure off my belly so I can get a few more stomach sleeps before I can't anymore!

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