The weekend

I know it's Wednesday and Im pretty late on this but eh it's ok:)
This past weekend we took a little road trip to Corpus Christi to visit my sister for her 21st birthday. We left from the city about 8 am and arrived at 10 to Corpus. We had one melt down so that was pretty good I guess, except for the yelling part.

 It was starting to rain when we arrived which was a total bust because we all wore shorts. My sister lives pretty much on the ocean so the wind was pretty breezy.

When we walked into her apartment it was super cold! I mean my mother was under the blanket and everyone else had their arms crossed. It was like stepping into an igloo.

My sister has a roommate that is actually pretty good with decorating. I am not very good with decorating and I just fell in love with their apartment. Its just so girly:) My husband would never let me have our place look like that. Boohooo. My husband for whatever reason thinks he is better than me at decorating. I know I'm not that great at decorating but I know Im a tad better at it than him. 

After a long discussion about what we were going to do in town, we decided on 1/2 off books store and a traders market. I had never been to a 1/2 off book store and let me to ya. I was in heaven. I just wanted to drown myself in this place. I desperately want to go back again. I think I could spend 5 hours there. I LOVE it! Then I spent only $35 on 6 books. Uhhhhh holy heck! I pay much more on amazon for just 3 books.
After we left the book store we headed to a traders markets. It wasn't that great. We didn't find much so we left after much walking around. Everyone was pretty hungry so we left to a restaurant. First, we went to a Brewer's something...I really cant remember what it was called but we left, after they told us it was an 1 and a half wait time. No thanks. So we left to the next town and at ate at a place called Snoopy's. If you are ever in  flour bluff eat here! It was really good.
After we ate. We went back to my sisters apartment where she opened present and we got to rest a little from the day. I know that it sound like we took like 4 hours but we were actually up and about from 10-4:30. We needed to get back home at a decent time because my mom and I were the only ones that had to work the next day. 

That was the peak to our weekend at it was a good one:)


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