The reason I see the show "Suits"

Is because of this guy...

Isnt he beautiful? Everytime I see this show I always end up saying geez he's beautiful.
Jaime has asked me how can a guy be beautiful.
Uh hunny, look at him!!!
He's beautiful.

In case your wondering who he is dating he is dating this pretty lady.

Yes, that is Spencer from pretty little liars. You should go on his and her Instagram, they are the cutest. I have to admit I have been stalking them a little. They are just the cutest couple ever.

The Show Suits is actually pretty good. It is on Amazon Prime for free in case you have it. Its a really good show about lawyers fighting cases. Its funny and its intense sometimes. Oh and Patrick adam's character is amazing. You will see why:)


Courtney B said…
Oh my gosh, they are SO cute together! I will be finding their instas asap :)
I've never heard of this show! I'll be checking it out asap thanks to you!

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