Instagram dump

Merry Christmas Eve. I think we are watching Christmas movies tonight probably through Amazon because I could not find certain movies at the stores.Also Marshall leave tonight and Santa drops off presents under the tree. Which I still need to draw up a letter from St. Nick. I'm pretty excited this year because I have decided on holding off on sticking presents under the tree till after Christmas eve. So Megan will actually be woken up on Christmas morning to a ton of presents under the tree.

While Megan was at gymnastic Santa came to pay the girls a visit. They had a small party at her ballet class and she really enjoyed the party with all her new friends. I was kind of scared that Megan would start crying when Santa came in. Thankfully when he came in she was happy so see him and so were the other girls. I mean come on look at that huge smile of hers.

About 4 nights ago we made a ginger bread house. It didn't come out the way we thought it would, obviously, but Megan had fun deciding how we should decorate it. Megan and I had a good time making this cute house of ours. I probably should have googled how to make this graham cracker house but I kind of wanted it to come from us.

 Its sad to say but he is leaving soon and we will be saying goodbye to our Marshall once again. He hasnt been doing much lately. I think that he has just been going around the house pretty much getting into things he should not be. This picture was one of those days where he was having some fun.

So the other day I was looking up Vaginal deliveries on youtube and holy crap did that scare me. I think the second time around I am more scared than I was the first time. I find it quite hard that that huge thing comes out of a small little hole. Lord help me those videos are creepy too. Most of those ladies did a natural birth and holy cow I give them a ton of kuddos because I have no idea how they have the strength to do that without drugs. I will be trying to do a natural birth this time again....the first time I could not because of the pain but I am going to try again. I mean it feels like my uterus is being ripped from my stomach so yeah I kind of needed that epidural. I am going to try and go without it as much as I can.


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