Life of a mommy

My day consists of cleaning, nursing, making meals and changing diapers. Honestly, Im ready for work. I am hoping that a district will call me soon but who knows if they will. I have to call in a few days to see if all the districts have all my information. This post was just dedicated to showing you just a couple of pictures I took while I was doing laundry.


Hilary said…
What a cutie!! (Well, both of them!) Beckett is 16 weeks now and honestly, I love this time SO much more than I did when he was itty bitty. I mean, there's nothing that compares to a newborn, but now that I'm back at work and he's less high maintenance, I actually miss him like crazy and can't wait to get home to him every day. I hope you get a call soon! If you're anything like me, work has made me appreciate being home so much more. I hated being stuck in the house all day!

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