Wednesday Loves!

Tonight I have a class at 6 for Texas History. Im kind of glad I have a class where I get to see the teacher face to face,having online classes are so different I feel like I have so much loose time. Which has not really been the case. Since Ive started school I have been doing work non-stop. I have just enough time to breathe. Speaking of starting school my news feed Monday morning was filled with kids first day of school, I thought it was so adorable and I could not help but think of Megan. I am so glad she had not started Elementary school yet. Next year I think she starts though but next fall can wait:) For today Here is what Im loving this Wednesday.

 I am Loving my daughter!She makes me laugh so much, yesterday she was doing a face that was just so hilarious I could not stop laughing and when I did stop,she did it again and I had to laugh again.It was so funny. & she is also the very reason I am sick,she gave me a cold and I really dislike colds. I get colds at least 7 times a year.

 2. I am Loving the strawberry I made yesterday out of Playdoh. I will admit to you all, after my husband saw how awesome my strawberry was he decided to up his game in the competition and made an Ipod Playdoh.heheh mine was still better:)

 3. I am Loving that Fall is right around the corner.Seriously I am so ready to be in bed with the cover and drinking some hot chocolate while watching a movie in bed with Megan and Jaime. Ooo and Thanksgiving and then soon after Christmas:) Oh lordy I cant wait. I snagged these cute Owls this morning hopefully Jaime does not use them and is aware they are only for decoration.
*Jaime loved the owls, he was just as excited as me.

4. I am Loving I found this book at the library. I had the same book when I was a kid, and I remember reading it. It was a cute blast from the past. I think I have read about 30 childrens books from the library for an assignment and Im so pooped from reading. My husband was shocked when I told him I was tired from reading...he text back saying I cant beleive YOUR saying that. Reading is my favorite so It was a bit of a shock to him that I said I was tired of reading.

 5. I am loving the way the Children section at the library is very well decorated. There is a puppet show and some art on the walls. You cant see it because It is on the other side of the wall. Some lady was also there painting the wall of nursery Rhymes like Jack in the beanstalk and Three billy goats gruff.

 I am Loving I am having to study for my state Exams already:) I know alot of people would wonder why thats is one of my loves but this is an exam I thought I would never take. Its been a long journey.

I am Loving most of my books have came in already, all Im missing is my fundamental math book and Im set for the semester. I didnt really like spending all the money I did on these book but some of them I found really cheap and others were over the top ridiculous amount of money:/

Forgot to mention: do you remember this post about the baby shower and how Jaime forced me to play games...well thanks to my sister taking pictures of us, you can see them tomorrow on the blog:)

What are you loving today?


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