Pre-deployment Post
I have read countless blog about husbands coming home from Afghanistan but Ive also seen alot of women say that their husband didnt come home. I am going to tell you the truth. Im not taking this 2nd deployment very good. He has not left yet but it's right around the corner, and I cant even begin to tell you how I feel. My emotions are just all over the place. About two years ago my husband came home from Iraq and to say that he was the same man I saw leave to Iraq would be a lie. My husband did change, and I learned how to grow with it. He was not as cuddly as he used to and we would get upset very very fast. But I put faith in us and he has made so much progress since then, it is unfortunate though that he is leaving again and we are going to have to go through this again. But I want to do this again, I know I can handle him, and I know Im the only woman who is going to be able to get him though this. I know that I am going to have to have a talk with him about the 'what i...